A script is accessing some software (an ActiveX control) on this page which has been marked safe for scripting
The A script is accessing some software (an ActiveX control) on this page which has been marked safe for scripting. Do you want to allow this? message relates to security settings in Microsoft Internet Explorer. This message deals with what gets executed behind the scenes to display website content on your screen.
Scripts are usually safe. Do you want to allow scripts to run?
The Scripts are usually safe. Do you want to allow scripts to run? message in this wording is related to Microsoft Internet Explorer and deals with security settings. This message usually happens after modifying security settings in your Explorer.
Mklink in Windows
Mklink is a MS Windows command line utility that you can use to create symbolic links or symlinks and hard links in MS Windows. Mklink is a nice tool for troubleshooting file system problems. Mklink requires administrative privileges.
Drupal cache clean up - cache_clear_all()
We started discussing how to clean up Drupal cache tables on the How to delete or clear Drupal cache tables? page. That page talks about using the Drupal Devel module to clean up Drupal's cache.
How to delete or clear Drupal cache tables?
How to delete or clean up or clear Drupal cache tables is a question that sooner or later probably every Drupal developer asks. It is easy to delete Drupal cache tables, and clearing Drupal cache can be extremely useful when migrating your website from one environment to the another one.
Option theta
Option theta is one of the sensitivity parameters used in option theory to measure responsiveness of an option to change in time. Option theta is often represented by Greek symbol Θ. Option theta belongs to a group of option sensitivity parameters together called "Greeks".
Option vega
Option vega, represented by Greek symbol ν (nu), is a mathematical tool used to capture the responsiveness of option value to changes in the volatility of option's underlying asset's value. In other words, option vega is option's sensitivity to fluctuations in the underlying asset price.
Option gamma
Option gamma, often expressed using the Greek letter Γ, is a mathematical tool used in the option theory to explain the relationship between the value of an option and the price of the underlying asset. Option gamma is the option's sensitivity to change in the sensitivity of the option value to changes in the underlying asset price.
Download Macchanger
Macchanger is a Linux utility developed by Alvaro Lopez Ortega for viewing/manipulating the MAC addresses of network interfaces. Macchanger, or also by its official name MAC Changer, is an open source GNU/Linux utility. It is very easy to use and handy to anyone who needs to do analysis, testing, or other activities with network adapters.
Download Macshift
Macshift is a free and open-source tool to change the MAC address of any network adapter under Windows 2k/XP/Vista. It has a simple scriptable commandline interface. Macshift is very easy to use.