
Anything related to programming, coding, configuration, tips and help

How to find out when a web page was created or updated

Have you ever wondered how to find out when a web page was created? There are many occasions when it is very useful to find out when a web page was created or last time updated. This can be handy for example when researching online history of something, perhaps a car or a house you want to buy. The script provided on this web page tells you about a web page history, it tells you when the web page was created.


CSS ID and CLASS difference

CSS id and class -- what is the difference between these two? CSS id class are two selectors commonly used in CSS to define styling and design of web page content. Web developers that are fairly new to CSS programming often want to know the difference between CSS id and class. The answer is simple: CSS id class differ in how often they can be used on a page.


Decimal to binary converter

This decimal to binary converter (or short dec to binary converter) can be used as the name of the page suggests to convert any decimal number to its binary representation. This decimal to binary converter works the other way around as well -- you can use it to convert from binary to decimal. This decimal to binary converter is useful especially to networking architects, administrators, and specialists who often need to convert between decimal and binary when working with their network topology.



Code ASCII relates to a standard that is used by computers to translate human readable characters into something computers can understand. Code ASCII is usually provided in the form of an ASCII table. Even though the evolution of code ASCII is responsible for a number of extended versions, the original code ASCII is a table with 128 characters and their universally accepted translations into computer language.


RGB color picker

RGB color picker (also called RGB color mixer) is a very useful tool that allows you to pick, or better said "to mix", RGB colors to obtain desired color from the RGB scheme. You enter decimal or hexadecimal values for red, green, blue and the result is a RGB color. The RGB color picker provided below is handy for anyone working with colors such as web masters or graphic artists or designers.


ASCII to hex converter

ASCII to hex converter is a useful tool for anyone working with ASCII characters and needing to convert them to hexadecimal or short "hex" numbers. The ASCII to hex converter provided below is able to convert ASCII (or even Unicode) characters to both hexadecimal and unicode numbers. The ASCII to hex converter can be used for example to encode email addresses.


Hex to decimal converter

Hex to decimal converter or short hex to dec converter is a nice online tool that helps you to convert numbers expressed in the hexadecimal (hex) format to the decimal (dec) format. The hex to decimal converter tool is very useful especially for web developers as they often need to convert from hex to dec and the other way around.


Dec to hex converter

Dec to hex converter (or a dec to hex convertor) is a tool used to convert numbers expressed in the decimal format into hexadecimal or short hex format. Dec to hex conversion is common when working with web sites and graphics. Many graphic tools, utilities, and editors provide information in dec format while web sites are often coded using hex values for colors (see the Browser Safe Colors Palette).


Word letter mixer (disorganizer)

Word letter mixer (disorganizer) is a nice tool that takes each word from the form and distorts or disorganizes its content. The word letter mixer (disorganizer) leaves the first and the last letter in place and shuffles all other letters within the word. This word letter shuffler can be used to create "semi-encoded" text that is still readable.


How to blur text or image

How to blur text or image? Blurring a text or image on a web page is quite easy. Text blur or image blur can be done in many ways including applying a PHP filter on the fly or adding a filter in CSS. In any case, blurring images and pictures is usually safe; however, it is important to say that sensitive or personal information should never be provided on the web even if blurred. Below you can find techniques to blur image or blur text.
