Anything related to information technologies and information systems

Dec to hex converter

Dec to hex converter (or a dec to hex convertor) is a tool used to convert numbers expressed in the decimal format into hexadecimal or short hex format. Dec to hex conversion is common when working with web sites and graphics. Many graphic tools, utilities, and editors provide information in dec format while web sites are often coded using hex values for colors (see the Browser Safe Colors Palette).


Word letter mixer (disorganizer)

Word letter mixer (disorganizer) is a nice tool that takes each word from the form and distorts or disorganizes its content. The word letter mixer (disorganizer) leaves the first and the last letter in place and shuffles all other letters within the word. This word letter shuffler can be used to create "semi-encoded" text that is still readable.


How to blur text or image

How to blur text or image? Blurring a text or image on a web page is quite easy. Text blur or image blur can be done in many ways including applying a PHP filter on the fly or adding a filter in CSS. In any case, blurring images and pictures is usually safe; however, it is important to say that sensitive or personal information should never be provided on the web even if blurred. Below you can find techniques to blur image or blur text.


Difference between shared folder and DFS root

What is the difference between a shared folder and a DFS root? Both a shared folder and a DFS root are Microsoft technologies related to sharing files and folders between users on a network. They both look very similar, but there is a number of differences between a shared folder and a DFS root.


What is DFS root and how to create one

The What is DFS root question is directly related to the next question someone might ask How to create a DFS root. DFS root is an object in the Microsoft Active Directory system used for sharing files and folders across network. DFS root is the starting point of the DFS namespace.


What is DFS (Distributed File System)

What is DFS you ask today. DFS stands for Distributed File System and is a technology in the Microsoft shop related to sharing files across networks, specifically across wide area networks. What is DFS is the question every network administrator asks when a boss on one side of the state calls him asking how he can get access to a shared network folder on the other side of the state.


How to publish shared folder in Active Directory

How to publish shared folder in Active Directory is an easy question with easy answer. Publishing a shared folder in Active Directory relates to making your network resources available to your network users. Publishing shared folders in Active Directory provides flexible resources to your network users and at the same time provides a good way to handle access security.


Allow shared folders to be published

Allow shared folders to be published is a policy related to allowing network users to share resources on your network. If Allow shared folders to be published is enabled or not configured at all, your users will be able to make their shared folders available to other users across your network through Active Directory. The Allow shared folders to be published group policy is a setting that can help a lot with the management of your corporate shared resources.


Allow DFS roots to be published

Allow DFS roots to be published is a Microsoft Windows setting; it is a group policy setting which determines whether your network users can publish so-called DFS roots in Active Directory. The Allow DFS roots to be published policy is important not only as a security measure but also from the file management strategy perspective. Allow DFS roots to be published is a setting that can help a lot with the administration of your corporate shared drives.


Prevent email address harvesting (part 2)

How to prevent email address harvesting is something that web masters often ask when figuring out how to block email address harvesting programs and robots from harvesting or stealing email addresses from their or their client's websites. The How to prevent email address harvesting question can be answered with a few programming tips. Successful implementation of these tips can help significantly in improving your web site content security.
