RGB color picker
RGB color picker
RGB color picker (also called RGB color mixer) is a very useful tool that allows you to pick, or better said "to mix", RGB colors to obtain desired color from the RGB scheme. You enter decimal or hexadecimal values for red, green, blue and the result is a RGB color.
The RGB color picker provided below is handy for anyone working with colors such as web masters or graphic artists or designers.
RGB color picker
The RGB color picker is easy to use. You can start with clicking the RGB color map at the bottom of the RGB color picker. You click the RGB color square in the RGB color map, and the RGB color will show up in the background of this page.
In case you need a tool for converting between hex and dec without the RGB colors functionality, see the next RGB color picker section.
RGB color picker related tools
Besides the RGB color picker, you might be interested in some other tools, such as:
Hex to decimal converter
Dec to hex converter
Decimal to binary converter
Word letter mixer (disorganizer)
ASCII to hex converter
Should you have any questions or suggestions in regards to the RGB color picker, you are welcome to ask in our discussion forum.
It is easy, just include the code provided below into your HTML code.