Excel 2003 VIEW menu commands in Excel 2007
Microsoft Office 2007 uses a ribbon feature in its screen design which is quite different from menus and toolbars known from the Office 2003 package. Office 2007 especially the Excel 2007 and Word 2007 use tabs that group drop-down menus, options, and icons. Microsoft has replaced menus with tabs.
Excel 2003 EDIT menu commands in Excel 2007
Microsoft Office 2007 uses a ribbon tool which is quite different from menus and toolbars known from Office 2003. Office 2007, especially Excel 2007 and Word 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 use tabs that group drop-down menus, options, and icons.
Excel 2003 FILE menu commands in Excel 2007
Microsoft Office 2007 uses a new so-called ribbon interface which is much different from menus and toolbars that we know from Office 2003. Office 2007, that is namely Excel 2007 and Word 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 use tabs that group icons, options, and drop-down menus. Some say Microsoft is probably trying to converge their software to the look and feal of Macs.
How to customize and add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
How to customize the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in MS Office 2007 and add commands to it? Office 2007 offers a toolbar that is very similar to the Quick Launch toolbar that we know from Office 2003. It can be customized separately for Excel 2007, Word 2007, and the other tools.
Snap-in failed to initialize
The Snap-in failed to initialize error message can happen in several scenarios. In most cases, it is known to appear when launching the Microsoft Management Console. The Snap-in failed to initialize error message can also come up when starting the Enterprise Manager and in Internet Information Services (IIS).
Synthetic Long Call
A Synthetic Long Call strategy is a position where a long stock position is combined with a long put option. The purchase of a put option while still owning stocks is a strategy with a limited loss and (after subtracting the put premium) unlimited profit.
Synthetic Long Put
A Synthetic Long Put strategy is a position where a short stock position is combined with a long call option position.
Unlike the synthetic long call position, the synthetic long put strategy is a bearish strategy with limited risk. The investor expects the price of stocks to go down for a long time hoping to make profit on the decline, but he or she still wants to curtail the risk in case his expectation won't realize and the stocks go up. The investor would recoup the loss on the short stock from the long call in this case.
Law of One Price
The Law of One Price says that identical goods should sell for the same price in two separate markets. This assumes no transportation costs and no differential taxes applied in the two markets.
Predatory Pricing
In general, predatory pricing refers to anti-competitive activities taken by a company that is dominant in the market to protect its market share from new or existing competitors. Predatory pricing involves temporarily pricing a product low enough to end a competitive threat.
Earnings per Share (EPS)
The Earnings Per Share (EPS) financial measure captures the portion of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. Earnings per share (EPS) serves as an indicator of a company's profitability.