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3GB Switch in Windows boot.ini

The /3GB or 3GB switch in the boot.ini file lets you tune the use of memory and memory address space in your computer. The /3GB switch specifies the amount of memory for user-mode virtual address space. It is used to allocate more memory to applications and less memory to the operating system.


ASCII table

ASCII is a standard for character encoding used by computers and communications equipment to represent text. ASCII is short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. You can find the ASCII table below.


Carriage return and line feed problems

Line feed and carriage return are two different ways of how your computer sees the Enter key.

While for example the character M is interpreted the same way in Windows and in UNIX, the ENTER key is interpreted differently. This causes problems when transferring files and data from one platform to another one.


Line termination: line feed versus carriage return 0d 0a

Line feed and carriage return are two different ways of computer interpretting the ENTER key. Line feed and carriage return are two different ways how lines are ended in the computer language. Both the line feed and carriage return originate in the typewriter age.


Tabbed browsing

Tabbed browsing represents an easier way to switch between web sites or web pages. Modern browsers that support tabbed browsing let you view many different websites at one time, all within one organized window.


Outlook: reuse windows for hyperlinks

This page describes how to set up MS Outlook so that when you click on a link within an email, it opens up a new Explorer browser window for each link that you open. In other words how to reuse windows for hyperlinks or how to open each link in a new window.


NET SEND command

The NET SEND command is a tool that allows sending inline text messages over the network. NET SEND command is a very simple utility used to send short messages from one computer to another one.


Server Net Commands

Server NET commands are used to create, delete, modify, configure, and manage computer resources as they relate to networking. Server NET commands can also be used to display information about shared or network related resources.


NET SHARE command

NET SHARE is used to manage shared resources. NET SHARE creates, deletes, modifies, or displays shared resources. This command is used to make a resource available to clients.


NET USE command

The NET USE command is used to associate a local drive letter or device name with a shared network drive or device. Most often, the NET USE command is used for network drive mapping.
