AdSense earnings

AdSense earnings generated by Shoemoney in 2005. You can see three interesting facts related to AdSense earnings here:
A) The web site generated impressive amounts of traffic. 13 million impressions per month is staggering.
B) Average AdSense earnings per click was some $1.06. That is about 1/10th AdSense earnings of what average web sites are getting today.
C) The site averaged very low Click-Through-Rate (CTR). 0.93% is considered very low. Imagine how much the AdSense earnings could have been if the CTR was higher (See here for more details on how to increase CTR: Make money with AdSense (see the How to make money with AdSense - tips & tricks - CTR section)).
This AdSense earnings web page relates to the AdSense revenue page.
Note, AdSense earnings is taxable income, see How to report and tax Google AdSense income.
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