Title: Adsense junkie Post by: apapunas on February 28, 2009, 12:01:36 am Are you an Adsense junkie like me? :) How many times per day do you check your AdSense account? :)
Title: Re: Adsense junkie Post by: anzibar on March 02, 2009, 06:11:15 pm hehe, about 5x ;D
Title: Re: Adsense junkie Post by: zaragoza on April 09, 2009, 09:03:21 am I do not know what is going on... my adsense revenue dropped in 1/2. What is going on???? Out of the sudden, my visits are 1/2 too.
Title: Re: Adsense junkie Post by: porsche on May 06, 2009, 07:17:17 am Man, my AdSense revenue is up and down too. I usually get about $15 per day. It dropped to about $5 per day for about a week, then it shot up to as much as $60 per day for a few days. It is unbelievable how unpredictable this thing is. But I agree ... I am adsense junkie! ;D